
Bridgetown Middle School Policies

The policies of Bridgetown Middle school are designed to be both specific to Bridgetown and yet remain within the policies established by the School Board for the entire Oak Hills Local Schools District. The following section contains the polices developed for Bridgetown and links to the District policies where appropriate.

Medication Policy

Students are not permitted to carry any medication (prescription or over the counter) on their person. All medicine that a student is required to take during the school day MUST be taken to the clinic by the parent/guardian. Prescription medicine must be in its original container and accompanied by the completed proper forms, which can be obtained through the clinic. These forms are:
1. Physician’s request for the administration of prescriptions.
2. Parental authorization and release.

Failure to follow this policy could result in a ten-day suspension with a recommendation to the superintendent for expulsion.

We appreciate your support emphasizing the importance that your child is on time for school.