Oakettes help the community

The Oak Hills High School Oakettes have participated in several projects recently.
One being "THE HIGHLANDER HERO," organized by team member Kaitlyn Delaney around the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday. Dance families donated items (see picture) that could be shipped to 27 active duty Oak Hills alumni. Kaitlyn was very passionate about this project as her two brothers are currently serving as officers in the United States Air Force, and she wanted to make sure ALL alumni knew how much their service is appreciated.
In addition, the dance team wore orange ribbons this past Friday's game versus Mason in remembrance of Jamie, a young lady who tragically lost her life last week in the Florida school shooting. Their picture, along with other teams across the world, was pictured in a piece on ABC news.
The dance team will be leaving for their National competition on March 1st in Orlando. They have worked very hard this year while at the same time, maintaining high grades and giving back to their community. Oak Hills High School wishes them good luck and thanks them for their dedication!