Blog Entries - May 2018

OH Spring Sports Awards
The 2018 Spring Awards were held last night and Highlander Awards and individual team awards were given out to our student-athletes. The Highlander Award is not an MVP Award in the traditional sense, but rather recognition of the person that
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Highlander Regional
Congratulations to our Regional qualifiers for Track & Field: Nathan Shelby - 110 hurdles Luke Neuhaus - Discus Mitch Luken - 800m Drew Toon - 1600m Hannah Bennett - 800m Michael Radcliffe, RJ Linenkugel, Drew Toon, Mitch Luken - 4x400m
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCongratulations to 2018 seniors receiving scholarships and awards
Cincinnati Enquirer 2017-28 Winter Season All-Stars
Congratulations to the Highlanders who have been named 2017-18 Winter season Ohio Division 1 All-Stars by the Cincinnati Enquirer: Boys' Bowling Kurt Francisco - Coach of the Year - Coach Francisco guided the Highlanders to the No. 1 overall
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Cross Country Student and Parent Meeting
If you are interested in running cross country next year, please attend the meeting below -]

Hilarious Oak Hills Spring Farce
Oak Hills High School Drama Club proudly presents - SEE HOW THEY RUN! Thursday, May 3rd Friday, May 4th Saturday, May 5th 7:00pm Oak Hills High School Tickets are $10 To order tickets,
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