
How To...

Report an Absence


When a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the parent to call 347-2970 before 8:45 am to leave a message on The Education Connection.  Parents may request homework when calling child in absent.    Requested work may be picked up in school office at 3:15 or sent home with another student.



1.) ABSENCES are excused for the following:

a)       a personal illness of the student’s

b)      a death in the family

c)      a quarantine for contagious disease

d)       religious reasons

2.) Parents may excuse 10 total absences for the above reasons each school year.  Any other absences will require a doctor’s excuse

3.) ATTENDANCE INTERVENTIONS will take place at:


  • 38 or more hours, with or without a legitimate excuse, within one month

  • 65 or more hours, with or without a legitimate excuse, within a school year



  • 30 or more consecutive hours, without a legitimate excuse

  • 42 or more hours, without a legitimate excuse, within one month

  • 75  or more hours, without a legitimate excuse, within a school year



  • 10% or 92 or more hours, with or without a legitimate excuse per school year


3.) STATE LAW requires the districts to have its attendance officer file a complaint against a student who, at any time during the implementation phase of the absence intervention plan, is absent without legitimate excuse 30 or more consecutive hours or 42 or more hours in one school month, unless the absence intervention team has determined that the student has made substantial progress on the absence intervention plan



1.) TARDY is up to 2 hrs late, without a valid written excuse.

2.) Every TARDY is unexcused, including oversleeping.

3.) Tardies and Late Arrivals will count towards the total hours of absence for a student.



1.) A child “skipping school” will get up to 5 after school detentions, to be served contiguously.

2.) Parents will be referred to the Hamilton County Juvenile Court System for chronic truancy.



1.) Students arriving  late for a valid reason will not be marked as tardy if accompanied by a parent’s note.

2.) There is no penalty for late arrivals, however these hours will count toward total absence time for the student..

3.) Lack of transportation is not an excused late arrival.



1.) If your child must leave early for an appointment, please send in a note of explanation to the teacher

2.) If you come for your child unexpectedly, you need to write a note in the office prior to release of your student.

3.) We will request to see your ID in order to protect the safety of your child.