Blog Entries - November 2016
Top Ten Things to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving
By: Jocelyn Collett The Thanksgiving day football games – This year there are only three games: Vikings v.s. Lions @12:30 pm, Redskins v.s. Cowboys @4:30 pm, Steelers v.s. Colts @ 8:30 pm. The fabulous food your family prepares for you
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By Alli Auel Everyone knows that the college application process can be a struggle, but figuring out how to tackle paying for college can be a lot worse. For most, scholarships are extremely helpful in making a dent in the hefty college tuition bill. Here
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Thank You
By: Ethan Cundiff What is a Veteran? Someone who has stepped up, Someone who has put others before them, Someone who has served or who is serving this country, Thank them. They sacrificed their lives to keep us safe, We are free because of them, We
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