Blog Entries - December 2016

Shanty Town
By: Abby Kromme Each year, Oak Hills’ National Honor Society hosts an event to raise awareness for the poverty and homelessness that countless people experience daily. For the past two years, the NHS president has rounded up a crew to execute this
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCaffeine Addiction in Teens
By: Hannah Welling The smell of coffee in the mornings fills the hallways of Oak Hills. But why do we feel the need to drink it day after day? I asked students this very question. Many claimed they drink coffee in the morning to stay awake
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOak Hills Girls Lacrosse: One Step Closer
By: Sydni Crass After multiple years of hard work and dedication, freshman Olivia Lang and sophomore Athena Caneris have been able to secure 17 girls for a potential women’s lacrosse team at Oak Hills High School. They are in need of at least
Blog Entry Synopsis EndHow to Deal with Stress
By: Brenna McDermott Many Oak Hills students are very stressed, but have little to no knowledge about how to manage that stress. Seniors are stressed because of scholarships, applying to colleges, and keeping up with seven classes. Juniors are
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