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Special Programs

At Oak Hills Local Schools, we are committed to meeting the specific needs of each individual student. Intervention services are offered to enrich or support student learning.

Intervention services for advanced learners is available for students who have been identified as having a gifted exceptionality. This service emphasizes process skills such as creativity, logical thinking, problem solving, research, and social skills. Curriculum is aligned with state standards, but is taught with more depth and using higher level thinking skills.

A continuum of intervention services are provided for students with disabilities, aimed at providing the least restrictive environment for a child to be successful. We use a collaborative problem-solving process involving families and service providers in order to gather and analyze data which guide us in developing individualized programs and services to meet specific student needs.

At Oak Hills, we are committed to meeting the educational needs of all students. We offer a variety of services supported by intervention specialists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and school psychologists.

An additional service we are fortunate to have for families in Oak Hills is our Parent Mentor. Julie Dunford is an outstanding resource for families with exceptional children. Julie can assist parents through the process of the multi-factored evaluation (MFE), identification and development of the individualized Education Program (IEP). She can also clarify procedures as well as schedule classroom visits for families interested in learning more about the services provided in Oak Hills.

Feel free to contact your child’s building administrator for more information about the services available for exceptional children.

Definition of Disabilities 
Parent Resources 
Department of Education Notice